Shoulder and Neck Pain Gone

I had struggled with pain and discomfort for about a week in both shoulders and neck. I was prayed for and received healing within no more than 10 minutes.  More than a week later I still have no pain.

Covid Gone

After waiting for two months to be healed from covid, I desperately cried out to Jesus.
Of course, I prayed all the time, but when even 13 medications and a GP visit did not help, I knew Jesus was the only answer.
I saw many healing miracles in Africa as they often do not have any medication. I felt we were all the same: loved by God, and I needed a healing miracle too.
The next day covid was gone, and I only could cry out a loud hallelujah! Thank you healer Jesus Christ!

Lady healed of Shingles

Several minutes before one of our Sunday meetings was going to begin a lady arrived who had been suffering with bad shingles for nearly two months. Two of our prayer team began talking with her, and on discovering that there was an issue, began to pray for her. The lady began to shake as the power of Holy Spirit began to touch her body. After several minutes the shingle pain has lessened from eight out of ten to two out of ten. By the following morning she was totally healed.


Woman healed of cancer.

At the end of one of our Sunday meetings a lady came forward for prayer that had a woman’s issue with bleeding for several months. She had previously been referred for surgery for a biopsy, and the biopsy result was positive for cancer in the uterus. Her Doctor had scheduled an urgent surgery to remove the cancer. She came forward for prayer nine days before the urgent surgery was scheduled. 

Two of our faithful prayer team prayed for her and the bleeding stopped almost immediately. She continued with the scheduled urgent surgery and a full hysterectomy was performed, and at the post-surgery follow-up the Doctor showed her a before scan of the tumour and then said when they did the full Hysterectomy and checked the tissue there was no sign of any cancer cells anywhere. It was gone!

Hand instantly healed

In one of our monthly Sunday evening healing meetings words of knowledge were being given for specific conditions. One of these was for a man with an issue/injury in his right hand which was painful.

A man stood up with this condition and as he stood up the pain left, his hand was healed. He checked it as he couldn’t understand it. Then he realized it had been healed and he came forward to testify what had happened and that Jesus had healed him.

Teenager's Arm Healed

Two Sundays ago there was a word of knowledge for someone with a sore arm and that was me so I went up and got prayed for. After the service I could twist my arm (turn hand over) with no pain but I still couldn’t extend or bend it but that was a step forward from before.

Last Sunday there was a word of knowledge for someone who had a sore arm and a possible fracture. Just on the Tuesday before that I had actually found out that I had fractured the radius head of my elbow so the word of knowledge was spot on.

I got prayed for three times that Sunday and on the third time there was complete healing and now I can fully extend and bend my arm, swing it around and around with no pain at all.

God is good! I don't need this sling anymore. Yeah!

Man healed after being hit by car.

A man came to church on a Sunday who had been out of any church for some time. He responded to a word of knowledge given for a man with an issue in his legs that was causing a limp. Four weeks earlier he had been hit by a car and spent a week in hospital. His left knee was still quite damaged, and he couldn’t put much weight on it without pain. His right hand and forearm had gone under the car wheel and was still badly swollen and infected, very painful, and he couldn’t open his fingers.

After prayer his arm and hand were starting to recover and he could move his fingers and the pain was lessening. His knee was able to take much more weight and he was able to walk more freely.

That afternoon he had so recovered that he could use his hand enough to hold a glass of water and also jam a little on a drum-set.

Five days later he was totally healed except for a couple of pale patches on his skin where wounds were! Jesus’ love and power touched this man’s life and body!

Man healed from bowel issues.

At the end of one of our Sunday meetings a Word of Knowledge was shared that said “there is somebody here who has an issue deep in your bowel. There has been mention of possible cancer by the Doctor, either confirmed cancer or talking about tests needed to determine if there is cancer.

A man responded and came forward for prayer and said that he had been in hospital for the past four days with this very issue. He looked weak and drawn, had lost seven kgs of weight and had been having diarrhea seven times a day. Medical staff had carried out tests to determine what the cause was but they had not been able to find the cause or stop the symptoms. When prayed for he didn’t really feel anything.

He has since testified that several hours after being prayed for the symptoms had stopped. Two days later he had been able to go for a one hour walk and he has been gaining in strength and steadily putting weight back on ever since!

Thank You Jesus!